Originariamente Scritto da Dorian00
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Originariamente Scritto da Dorian00
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Expected level of strength in a healthy individual who has not trained on the exercise before but can performit correctly. This represents the minimum level of strength required to maintain a reasonable quality of life in a sedentary individual.
A person training regularly for a period of 3-9 months. This strength level supports the demands of vigorous recreational activities.
A person who has engaged in regular training for up to two years. The intermediate level indicates some degree of specialization in the exercises and a high level of performance at the recreational level.
An individual with multi-year training experience with definite goals in the higher levels of competitive athletics.
Refers specifically to athletes competing in strength sports. Less than 1% of the weight training population will attain this level.
Submaximum loads may be used to estimate one rep maximum values using the One Rep Max Calculator.
alla fine l'unica cosa in gara che importa è quanto riesci a sollevare usando la tecnica corretta...... a loro non interessa dei problemi che hai avuto in allenamento, da quanto ti alleni, se hai fallito cicli di forza, se non ti sai allenare ecc
Originariamente Scritto da Dorian00
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