Nuovo Mesociclo

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  • Beppe76
    Bodyweb Advanced
    • Jul 2009
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    Nuovo Mesociclo

    Ciao ragazzi,a settembre si ricomincia l’allenamento e quest’anno volevo ciclizzare con un pò d’anticipo le cose.
    Pensavo di cominciare con un paio di settimane di adattamento anatomico con esercizi multiarticolari e pesi a crescere fino ad arrivare alla fine a trovare I massimali sui 3 big.A questo punto farei un ciclo di forza seguito da uno di ipertrofia ecc ecc
    Per il ciclo di forza stavo pensando di fare il ciclo russo così come proposto da iron Paolo(a cui aggiungere I complementari), contate che l’unico mio avvicinamento alla “forza” è stato con un 5x5 bill star che mi ha dato molte soddisfazioni,però non sono molto avvezzo a questo tipo di allenamenti,infatti non sò neanche bene quali siano I miei massimali(bassi sicuramente comunque).
    Voi che ne dite potrebbe andare bene oppure proponete qualcosa di diverso???
    La scheda prevede un periodo di accumulo e uno di trasformazione:
    Settimana Lun Mer Ven Recuperi
    1 Squat 6×3x80% Panca 6×3x80% Stacco 6×3x80% 2′
    2 Squat 6×4x80% Panca 6×4x80% Stacco 6×4x80% 2′
    3 Squat 6×5x80% Panca 6×5x80% Stacco 6×5x80% 2′30″-3′
    4 Squat 6×6x80% Panca 6×6x80% Stacco 6×6x80% 3′-4′

    5 Squat 5×5x85% Panca 5×5x85% Stacco 5×5x85% 4′
    6 Squat 4×4x90% Panca 4×4x90% Stacco 4×4x90% 4′
    7 Squat 3×3x95% Panca 3×3x95% Stacco 3×3x95% 4′
    8 Squat 2×2x100% Panca 2×2x100% Stacco 2×2x100% 4′

    Dimenticavo I miei dati:mi alleno da circa 3 anni,alto 188 peso 70kg.
    Il mio diario:
  • Beppe76
    Bodyweb Advanced
    • Jul 2009
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    Un'altra idea che mi è venuta è usare il texas method che descrive rippetoe:
    Volume/Recovery/Intensity aka The Texas Method
    Rippetoe describes this basic programming methodology as one of the most effective for the intermediate trainees. The advanced trainee can also use this, with the obvious adjustment to training periods (i.e. instead of weekly, monthly or bi-monthly, etc)
    This intermediate training program variation should look rather familiar to those who have made their way around the various internet training sites.
    We'll call this one "V-R-I", which, of course, stands for Volume, Recovery, Intensity. The premise is don't have 1 single workout, you have a week's worth of workouts. Each session builds on the previous session, and influences the next session. The weekend is used for final (and full) recovery. I'll give some examples that Rippetoe doesn't give specifically, but still fit in with the general design. If you want to get his exact workouts, go buy the book.
    Session 1 of the week is going to be the "stress" workout, where volume at an appropriate training intensity (%age 1-RM) is used to stress the body. This is the "meat and potatoes" workout of the training period (week). Session 2 is going to be an offload/recovery workout, where you use easier exercises, submaximal intensity-of-effort and submaximal weights, as well as reduced overall volume. This session is NOT to be skipped. Session 3 is going to be PR day. Intensity is high, volume is low. The specific exercises do not necessarily have to be the same. Appropriate substitutions can be used. Note that from one week to the next, you should be increasing your workload on the corresponding Monday and Friday workouts. If you do 5x5x200 this week on volume day, next week you should be doing 5x5x205 or perhaps 5x6x200 or 6x5x200.
    [edit] What would a Volume-Recovery-Intensity workout plan look like?

    In the following example, which is of my own specific design based on PP Chapter 7 Editorial Copy, take note of several things:
    1) Sets x reps are used as examples, not necessarily as specific recommendations and certainly not as requirements. Take a look at overall workload
    2) Each day is organized as "squat/press/pull from floor"
    3) Monday will be the highest workload, Wednesday will be the "lighter" variation of the Monday exercises and will be done with less volume, and Friday will be the heavy day where you hit it hard and heavy, but only ramping to a single max workset
    4) "Assistance" exercises are introduced (seated press, front squat) - note that assistance exercises are NOT the same as accessory exercises. Assistance exercises can be considered "semi-core" exercises because of their ability to stimulate large amounts of muscle mass across multiple joints. RDLs, barbell rows, chinup/pullups, dips, and front squats are mentioned in PP. They also allow for consistent and accurate workload comparisons between the exercises. For example, the deadlift is the core exercise. The RDL and bent rows are semi-core exercises. The hyperextension and GHR would be accessory exercises. Note - the phrase "Accessory exercise" is NOT used by Rip. It is, however, a generally known, recognized, and understood term which describes "lighter/easier" exercises which can be done to add a bit of volume to an area needing a bit of extra emphasis, without throwing overall workload #s out of whack.

    Monday (Volume)
    Squat - 5x5
    Bench - 5x5
    Power cleans - 5x3
    Accessory: Abs + lower back

    Wednesday (Recovery)
    Front Squat - 3x3
    Standing press - 3x5
    Barbell Rows - 3x5 (or pullups, 3 x 8-15)
    Accessory: abs only

    Friday (Intensity)
    Squat - ramp to max set of 3 or 5
    Bench - ramp to max triple
    Deadlift - ramp to max single, double or triple
    Accessory: Abs + Direct arm work + lower back work
    Note how Monday becomes a day where you do a lot of sets and reps (5x6, 5x5, 6x3, 4x8, etc). Wednesday is a day where you use "lighter" substitution semi-core type exercises for less volume Friday is 'PR day'. This day will be pretty short because only 1 "work set" is being done, so you can fill in a bit of volume with arm work and the like.
    Another variation, similar to the above, but with DBs and some other exercise choices incorporated:

    Monday (Volume)
    Front Squat - 5x5
    Incline DB Press - 5x6
    Bent Rows - 5x8
    Accessory: Abs + lower back

    Wednesday (Recovery)
    Lunge - 3x8
    Seated DB press - 3x5
    Pullups - 3x10-15
    Accessory: abs only

    Friday (Intensity)
    Back Squat - ramp to max set of 3 or 5
    Barbell Bench Press - ramp to max triple
    Deadlift - ramp to max single, double or triple
    Accessory: Abs + Direct arm work + lower back work
    Il mio diario:

