Ecco alcune idee di allenamento che riassumono l'utilizzo dello squat a 20. Per i meno esperti o per gli arrivati da poco lo squat a 20 sembrerebbe frutto di qualche "stratega del ferro" moderno, ma non è così. Il primo lavoro originale e organizzato è datato 1968. Alcuni spunti sono interessanti e possono essere introdotti facilmente nella nostra organizzazione settimanale.
L' Originale 20 Reps Squat Program (John McCallum, 1968)
Behind-the-Neck Press: 3x12
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Bench Press: 3x12
Bent-over Rows: 3x15
Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15
Pull-overs: 1x20
20 Rep Squat Program (Scaled Down)
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15
Dips: 2x10
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x15
Randall J. Strossen's Super Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Bench Press: 2-3x10
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x10
20 Rep Squat Power Program
Power Cleans: 5x3
Squat: 1x20
Standing Press: 2-3x12
Chin-Ups: 2 sets to failure
Dips: 2x10
Conventional Deadlifts: 1x15
Metabolic Conditioning 20 Rep Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Circuit training:
3 rounds of bodyweight Chin-ups, Dips, and Sit-ups.
Everything is taken to failure and 1 min rest is taken between exercises.
"Big 3" 20 Rep Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Bench Press: 2-3x10
Pull-overs: 1x20
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x15
Standing Press: 2-3x12
Conventional Deadlift: 1x15
L' Originale 20 Reps Squat Program (John McCallum, 1968)
Behind-the-Neck Press: 3x12
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Bench Press: 3x12
Bent-over Rows: 3x15
Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15
Pull-overs: 1x20
20 Rep Squat Program (Scaled Down)
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15
Dips: 2x10
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x15
Randall J. Strossen's Super Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Bench Press: 2-3x10
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x10
20 Rep Squat Power Program
Power Cleans: 5x3
Squat: 1x20
Standing Press: 2-3x12
Chin-Ups: 2 sets to failure
Dips: 2x10
Conventional Deadlifts: 1x15
Metabolic Conditioning 20 Rep Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Circuit training:
3 rounds of bodyweight Chin-ups, Dips, and Sit-ups.
Everything is taken to failure and 1 min rest is taken between exercises.
"Big 3" 20 Rep Squat Program
Squat: 1x20
Pull-Overs: 1x20
Bench Press: 2-3x10
Pull-overs: 1x20
Bent-over Rows: 2-3x15
Standing Press: 2-3x12
Conventional Deadlift: 1x15