Chad Waterbury ABBH1

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  • DBR
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    Chad Waterbury ABBH1

    Dopo aver letto i suoi articoli su t-nation e il suo libro ho deciso di seguire gli allenamenti da lui proposti.

    Comincio con quello che farò ad ottobre e novembre. Datemi un giudizio.
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    qualcuno potrebbe tradurre... nn ci capisco x piacere


    • MikaelPROBass
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      Originariamente Scritto da DBR Visualizza Messaggio
      Dopo aver letto i suoi articoli su t-nation e il suo libro ho deciso di seguire gli allenamenti da lui proposti.

      Comincio con quello che farò ad ottobre e novembre. Datemi un giudizio.
      in pratica sono solo fondamentali...


      • Marco pl
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        Sembra buono a una prima occhiata, nn sono cmq andato a fondo perche mi saltano gli occhi a leggere quel bordello.


        • the_drifter
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          cicli di volume e intensità variabili, attenzione sui fondamentali, splittaggio non mancano completamente le spalle? a meno che non siano questi misteriosi "hanging pikes"...

          seguila pure, ma IMO la risistemerei un attimo

          edit: gli hanging pikes sono abds....quindi mancano completamente le spalle.
          Last edited by the_drifter; 12-09-2007, 11:05:06.
          I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me
          My log: evolve or die


          • Francesco C
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            ...è il programma noto come "anti-hypertrophy".

            Spalle e braccia non vengono allenate direttamente...

            E IMHO come al solito (basta notare i giorni indicati per gli allenamenti), i "teorici" d'oltreoceano sono talmente "attenti" da far cadere gli allenamenti ANCHE di domenica!!

            (ma può essere che lì sia normale trovare le palestre aperte di domenica e che quindi NON sia una disattenzione...)
            Last edited by Francesco C; 12-09-2007, 11:47:18.


            • the_drifter
              • Oct 2006
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              senza un ex dedicato per le spalle i miei amati delts si sgonfierebbero come palloncini...
              IMO toglierei tutto quel calf, raggrupperei le gambe e dedicherei 1 giorno alle spalle, tipo lento / upright row, tanto per restare sulla filosofia push/pull-verticale/orizzontale.

              francesco, dopo aver letto un tuo articolo da lunedì parto con l'OVT...vediamo che succede
              I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me
              My log: evolve or die


              • DBR
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                Le braccia vengono allenate abbstanza, ci sono 5 serie di dip e 5 di chin-up di cui alcune potrebbero essere fatte spostando il baricantro del corpo in avanti, in modo da reclutare maggiormente bicipiti e deltoidi anteriori.
                Per le spalle metterei soltanto delle distensioni con manubri da alzato nel giorno delle braccia senpre in 5x10 con puasa di 60s.
                Per quanto riguarda il discorso della domenica , negli States le palestre sono sempre aperte. Li si ha voglia di lavorare qua pensiamo solo a non fare un *****.


                • DBR
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                  The Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program
                  Break the "Rules" and Gain Real Muscle!
                  by Chad Waterbury

                  Anti-Establishment Hypertrophy
                  I can't read most hypertrophy training articles because of health reasons — they make me sick. Never has there been a topic with more misinformation than muscle-building methods.
                  At least some strength-training articles seem to have a shred of scientific basis, but with bodybuilding articles, all common sense and science seems to go to the wayside. That's probably because more is understood about the nervous system than muscle soreness, or maybe it's because most of the writers who are only concerned about hypertrophy training are imbeciles who can't even build muscle on themselves. You be the judge.
                  After a recent seminar, a famous strength trainer told me I should market myself as the guy who could revolutionize bodybuilding. There's only one small problem with that — I don't like bodybuilding. Yep, you heard me right, never have liked it, probably never will. I see most competitive bodybuilders as overly tanned, overly shaved, waddling pieces of uneducated flesh and I have no interest in that market.
                  Yes, that's harsh, but recently something has slightly changed my views on bodybuilding: I started contributing to Testosterone and I realized there are some pretty damn cool and intelligent people out there who like bodybuilding. I'm not talking about "shaved gorillas posing in thongs" bodybuilding, but the good old hypertrophy-inducing strength-training from the days of the past. So, for all of you out there who love bodybuilding for what it used to be, I've written this article.
                  Old-time strongmen were the only people who truly revolutionized bodybuilding. Unfortunately, their methods have been largely forgotten. In exchange for infrequent, machine-laden, ineffective bodybuilding methods, many great principles have been lost.
                  Let me tell you a little secret — hypertrophy training and strength training don't have to be two separate entities. I've never designed a program that was based solely on "hypertrophy" training, but my clients have gained a ton of muscle over the years (if that was the goal). Let me repeat a statement from one of my previous articles: muscle growth is mainly controlled through caloric intake. Assuming all is normal with a trainee's physiology, even the best hypertrophy program won't build appreciable amounts of muscle if there are insufficient calories. Got it?
                  So allow me to uncover some real hypertrophy methods so you can apply them to your current program in exchange for more functional muscle. Bodybuilders beware: I'm about to barbecue a few of your sacred cows!

                  Five Hypertrophy Training Principles You Must Understand
                  1) Train More Often
                  First and foremost, you must drop the notion that a muscle group can only be trained once a week. Strongmen from the past didn't train that way and you shouldn't either. The more frequent the growth-stimulating sessions you can have, the better.
                  2) Forget about Time Under Tension
                  One of the things that really makes me nauseous is the assumption that hypertrophy-inducing sets must last from 40 to 70 seconds (or is it 20 to 90 seconds, or 43.5 to 68.7 seconds?) So that must mean the classic 5 x 5 method doesn't build any muscle since those sets don't last at least 40 seconds. Or maybe I'm just a dumb hillbilly and everyone who uses the 5 x 5 method is actually using a tempo where each rep takes eight seconds? (I don't think so!)
                  3) There's a Daily Limit to Muscle Stimulation
                  I can't believe I'm actually going to do this, but I must quote a bodybuilding catch-phrase from the 1980's: stimulate, don't annihilate! There's an absolute limit to the amount of hypertrophy-inducing stimuli you can apply on any given day. That's why those "one day cures" are a huge, stinkin' pile of B.S. I feel sorry for those who actually wasted an entire day attempting such a program.
                  4) Don't Train to Failure
                  You must keep the nervous system from becoming overly fatigued if you want to train frequently. Therefore, leave the grunting and screaming to the frat boys who have 13" guns and spend their entire day doing concentration curls and wasting Daddy's money.
                  5) Train Through Soreness
                  Initially, you'll probably have constant soreness on this program. That's okay! The soreness will subside once recovery increases and proper adaptation has taken place. Soreness is your body's way of saying, "I need more carbs and protein." So feed your muscles constantly!

                  The Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program
                  After reading through these principles, you probably understand why I refer to this as an anti-establishment program. I think I broke every so-called "hypertrophy" rule in the book! But you know what? This program rapidly builds muscle and it's very similar to the principles the old-time strongmen used to follow.
                  Now, let's get to the program that's going to build some serious muscle and increase strength levels! (Keep in mind you can pick your own exercises. Those listed are just examples.)
                  Day 1
                  Sets per Muscle Group: Chest 10, Back 10
                  Movement Plane: Horizontal
                  Examples: Flat Barbell Bench, Barbell Rows, Seated Cable Row (both back movements using a pronated grip with the width the exact same as bench press)
                  Reps: 3
                  Load: 80% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds between supersets (i.e. train chest, rest 60 secs, train back, rest 60 secs, train chest, rest 60 seconds, etc)
                  Day 2: OFF

                  Day 3
                  Sets per Muscle Group: Thighs 5, Abs 5, Calves 5.
                  Examples: Barbell Front Squat, Hanging Pike, Standing Calf Raise
                  Reps: 10
                  Load: 60% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds between giant sets (i.e. train thighs, rest 60 secs, train abs, rest 60 secs, train calves, rest 60 secs, train thighs, rest 60 secs, etc.)
                  Day 4: OFF

                  Day 5
                  Sets per Muscle Group: Chest 5, Back 5
                  Movement Plane: Vertical
                  Examples: Dips, Chin-ups
                  Reps: 10
                  Load: 60% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds between supersets
                  Day 6: OFF

                  Day 7
                  Sets per Muscle Group: Thighs 10, Abs 10, Calves 10
                  Examples: Deadlift, Decline Sit-ups, Seated Calf Raise (Note that this uses different exercises from Day 3.)
                  Reps: 3
                  Load: 80% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds between giant sets
                  Day 8: OFF

                  Days 9 & 17*
                  Same as Day 1 except with 4 & 5 reps per set, respectively (in other words, you'll just do 4repsfor each body part on Day 9 and 5 reps for each body part on Day 17).
                  Days 11 & 19
                  Same as Day 3 except with 65% & 70% of 1RM, respectively
                  Days 13 & 21
                  Same as Day 5 except with 65% & 70%, respectively
                  Days 15 & 23
                  Same as Day 7 except with 4 & 5 reps per set, respectively
                  *The days that aren't listed are, of course, off days.

                  A Reluctant Addendum

                  I know what you're thinking:
                  "Chad, youforgot to include direct arm work in that program!"
                  No, I didn't. The best increases in upper arm hypertrophy are achieved through compound exercises such as dips, chin-ups, bench presses and rows. Therefore, no direct arm work is prescribed in this program.
                  It's a strange phenomenon. Every trainee who's been around the iron game for more than a year knows that big arms are built from compound exercises, but people are still convinced they need direct arm work! So I'll give you the choice. I don't recommend the direct upper-arm work option, but I know some people will add direct arm work anyway, so I might as well make sure they do it right.
                  If you feel cheated and betrayed by my original recommendations, follow the same parameters given in the plan, but cut the total sets in half. For example, on the 10 x 3 day at 80% of 1RM (i.e, Day 1), execute the following:

                  Preacher Curl, Decline Dumbbell Triceps Extension Superset
                  Sets: 5
                  Reps: 3
                  Load: 80% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds
                  On the other upper body day with 60% of 1RM, execute the following:
                  Incline Hammer Curl, Tricep Pressdown Superset
                  Sets: 2-3
                  Reps: 10
                  Load: 60% of 1RM
                  Rest: 60 seconds
                  Closing Remarks
                  Don't forget, you must feed your recovery. Think of it this way, if maximum hypertrophy is your goal, you can't eat enough during the two hours post-workout and before going to bed. Eat throughout the day too!
                  Follow the details of this program precisely and you'll be rewarded with head-turning muscle mass and a better understanding of "real" muscle-building methods.
                  Last edited by DBR; 12-09-2007, 14:37:08.


                  • BIGSHOW77
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                    Originariamente Scritto da Francesco C Visualizza Messaggio
                    ...è il programma noto come "anti-hypertrophy".

                    Spalle e braccia non vengono allenate direttamente...

                    E IMHO come al solito (basta notare i giorni indicati per gli allenamenti), i "teorici" d'oltreoceano sono talmente "attenti" da far cadere gli allenamenti ANCHE di domenica!!

                    (ma può essere che lì sia normale trovare le palestre aperte di domenica e che quindi NON sia una disattenzione...)
                    non riesco ad inviare i files
                    That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.


                    • viandante
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                      Dbr, seguo da un pó chad. Su t-nation ha fatto successo la sua thirty days mass plan, è un teorico del sovrallenamento e della crescita principale nei riposi.

                      Imho, è bravo, ma è rozzissimo. Usa solo fondamentali, i complementari non li guarda proprio. Puó darsi pure che così si mettano piú muscoli ma:

                      1)Potrebbe venir fuori una struttura sgraziata
                      2)Non tutti hanno la possibilità di seguire questi allenamenti, i fondamentali sono esercizi duri e c'è gente che non si può permettere di eseguirli tanto spesso.

                      Comunque, se ti scrivi il programma in italiano mi farebbe piacere se lo postassi così discutiamo su un allenamento veramente alternativo...
                      Hasta que el cuerpo aguante...

                      Originariamente Scritto da ItalianBoy88
                      Quale parte del corpo bisogna allenare per migliorare pettorali e fianchi?chiaramente escludendo gli stessi.


                      • Metalzone
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                        Waterbury è il maggior teorico attuale dell'alta frequenza, i suoi articoli sono fantastici e non dice le "solite cose".

                        Se mastichi bene l'inglese ti consiglio di leggere il suo libro "Muscle Revolution"!
                        Rispondete al sondaggio: Quale metodologia preferite?

