Nutrition is one of the three essential factors in bodybuilding. If we don't pay attention to what we eat be sure that we won't gain the muscles we would like to gain. So it's important to pay attention to what we eat,when we eat and how we eat too.
First of all the most important key for the nutrition in bodybuilding are proteins. Muscles are 25 % made by proteins,so that they can be considered our main construction material. Proteins contain 4 kcal per gram. A parameter that satisfies the quality of proteins (for quality we mean the skill that proteins have in making us gain muscles) is the so called biologic value. A protein having a high biologic value is strongly recommended for the anabolic process. A protein with a low biologic value is not recommended because only a little part of it can be used to gain muscles. Infact that last kind of protein is incomplete because it hasn't got an optimal and complete aminoacidic pattern.
High biologic value proteins instead have got a complete aminoacidic patter. Of course that last kind of proteins is strongly recommended for a bodybuilder
The best foods containing high biologic value proteins are :
- Eggs
- Milk and derivates of milk
- Fish
- Meat
Foods containing low biologic value proteins are :
- Legumes
- Dried fruit
- Pasta and derivates
Anyway low biologic value proteins can be " converted" in high value ones by associating them with a cereal source. For example if we associate legumes + cereal we will create an higher biologic value protein.
Another important macronutrient are carbohydrates. They haven't got the same function of proteins because,if proteins have got construction function,carbohydrates have got energetic function. We can say that carbohydrates are our first energetic source avaliable because our body is able to use them in a easier way than fats. We can figure it out the importance of carbohydrates in a bodybuilder's diet. We need energy for the workout,and that energy come from them.
Carbohydrates contain 4 kcal per gram but,as proteins,they can be vary for what concern the molecolar structure. A difference of the molecolar structure determine a different biologic behaviour of the carbohydrate.
The first kind of carbohydrates are simple carbohydrates like glucose,fructose (an isomeric structure of glucose) and galattose.
They're made by a single molecular chain so they're even called monosaccaridies.
The second kind of carbohydrates are called disaccaridies because they're made by two chains of simple carbohydrates. Some examples of the most famous disaccaridies are lactose (Glucose + galattose) and saccarose (glucose + fructose).
Then there are the oligosaccaridies that are made by some molecular chains of various carbohydrates.
At the end there are the polisaccaridies,made by very long chains of simple carbohidrates like glucose. The last one is the starch composed by amylose and amylopectin. The most famous polisaccaridies are pasta,bread,legumes,potatoes,cereals.
Some years ago nutritionists strongly recommended this last kind of carbohydrates in a normal diet and in a bodybuilder's one,because they thought that polisaccaridies would have given us long time-modulating energy,so they would have been better for our energy requests.
A parameter to judge the quality of a carbohydrate was the lenght of the chain.
Today things are completely changed. A parameter to determine the quality of a carbohydrate is the so called glycemic index .
This is a parameter that considers the raise of the levels of insulin in our blood.
Considering this parameter we recognise High glycemic index carbohydrates and Low glycemic index carbohydrates
The first ones cause an high insulin release,while the second ones do not cause it.
Insulin is an hypoglycemic ormon that "works" in our blood to remove all the sugar in it and storage it,as glicogen, in the liver. When that levels of insulin are very high,we have got a low level of sugar in our blood it,we go in hypoglycemia so we risk to be listlessly during the workout
So high glycemic index carbohydrates are not recommended in a bodybuilder's diet above all for our energy requests.
Low glycemic index carbohydrates do not raise insulin level so much,so that they give us a stable and long time energy.
It's curious to know that all the carbohydrates that nutritionist recommended us to eat have got a very high glycemic index. Here is a list of the most common high glycemic index carbohydrates:
- Bread and pasta
- Cornflakes
- Rice buscuits
- Biscuits
- Honey
- Glucose
- Bananas and tropical fruits
Here's a list of some kinds of low glicemic carbohydrates:
- Fruit except apricots
- Legumes
- Corn and spelt
- Dried fruit
That last kind of carbohydrates are strongly recommended.
The last macronutrient are fats. Fats are very important for bodybuilders as they're the precursories of important androgen hormons. One of them is called testosterone. Testosterone is a very anabolic hormon,and a diet particularly poor in fats can suppress the production of it.The principal kinds of fats are:
- Trygliceridies
- Fosfolipides
The first ones represents the 95 % of the total existing fats and they are composed by a molecule of glicerol + 3 molecules of fatty acids.
The fatty acids can be unsaturated or saturated. The unsaturated ones are monoinsaturated and polinsaturated. They are a very healthy kind of fats.Monoinsaturated fats can be found in some variety of dried fruit like peanuts and in olive oil,particularly rich of oleic acid.
Polinsaturated fats can be found in the fish and in some variety of oils. Two important kinds of that fats are OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 which prevent us from coronary heart deseases. OMEGA -3 can be found in salmon and mackerel, while OMEGA-6 can be found in the linseed oil. Nutritionists tell that our diet is too rich of OMEGA-6 and poor of OMEGA-3. Infact this two kinds of fats must be in perfect balance between them. Some variety of oils contain OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 in various balances:
- Linseed oil 17% omega-6 52%omega-3
- Olive oil 8% omega-6 1% omega-3
- Soy oil 54% omega-6 7% omega-3
- Maize oil 61% omega-6 1% omega-3
- Sunflower oil 78%omega-6 0% omega-3
Then there are saturated fats. They are the so called animal fats because they're found in milk,eggs,meats,cheeses etc...
Animal fats are a very unhealthy kind of fats because they raise the level of the cholesterol in the blood. High levels of colesterol put us in risk of mortal heart diseases.
Anyway I advise to eat a little source of that fats too,because they have got anabolics effects in raising the level of testosterone and they are the precursory of cholesterol. Cholesterol infact is very important too because it's the principal costituent of cell membranes. In a few words cholesterol must not be high but neither so low too.
First of all the most important key for the nutrition in bodybuilding are proteins. Muscles are 25 % made by proteins,so that they can be considered our main construction material. Proteins contain 4 kcal per gram. A parameter that satisfies the quality of proteins (for quality we mean the skill that proteins have in making us gain muscles) is the so called biologic value. A protein having a high biologic value is strongly recommended for the anabolic process. A protein with a low biologic value is not recommended because only a little part of it can be used to gain muscles. Infact that last kind of protein is incomplete because it hasn't got an optimal and complete aminoacidic pattern.
High biologic value proteins instead have got a complete aminoacidic patter. Of course that last kind of proteins is strongly recommended for a bodybuilder
The best foods containing high biologic value proteins are :
- Eggs
- Milk and derivates of milk
- Fish
- Meat
Foods containing low biologic value proteins are :
- Legumes
- Dried fruit
- Pasta and derivates
Anyway low biologic value proteins can be " converted" in high value ones by associating them with a cereal source. For example if we associate legumes + cereal we will create an higher biologic value protein.
Another important macronutrient are carbohydrates. They haven't got the same function of proteins because,if proteins have got construction function,carbohydrates have got energetic function. We can say that carbohydrates are our first energetic source avaliable because our body is able to use them in a easier way than fats. We can figure it out the importance of carbohydrates in a bodybuilder's diet. We need energy for the workout,and that energy come from them.
Carbohydrates contain 4 kcal per gram but,as proteins,they can be vary for what concern the molecolar structure. A difference of the molecolar structure determine a different biologic behaviour of the carbohydrate.
The first kind of carbohydrates are simple carbohydrates like glucose,fructose (an isomeric structure of glucose) and galattose.
They're made by a single molecular chain so they're even called monosaccaridies.
The second kind of carbohydrates are called disaccaridies because they're made by two chains of simple carbohydrates. Some examples of the most famous disaccaridies are lactose (Glucose + galattose) and saccarose (glucose + fructose).
Then there are the oligosaccaridies that are made by some molecular chains of various carbohydrates.
At the end there are the polisaccaridies,made by very long chains of simple carbohidrates like glucose. The last one is the starch composed by amylose and amylopectin. The most famous polisaccaridies are pasta,bread,legumes,potatoes,cereals.
Some years ago nutritionists strongly recommended this last kind of carbohydrates in a normal diet and in a bodybuilder's one,because they thought that polisaccaridies would have given us long time-modulating energy,so they would have been better for our energy requests.
A parameter to judge the quality of a carbohydrate was the lenght of the chain.
Today things are completely changed. A parameter to determine the quality of a carbohydrate is the so called glycemic index .
This is a parameter that considers the raise of the levels of insulin in our blood.
Considering this parameter we recognise High glycemic index carbohydrates and Low glycemic index carbohydrates
The first ones cause an high insulin release,while the second ones do not cause it.
Insulin is an hypoglycemic ormon that "works" in our blood to remove all the sugar in it and storage it,as glicogen, in the liver. When that levels of insulin are very high,we have got a low level of sugar in our blood it,we go in hypoglycemia so we risk to be listlessly during the workout
So high glycemic index carbohydrates are not recommended in a bodybuilder's diet above all for our energy requests.
Low glycemic index carbohydrates do not raise insulin level so much,so that they give us a stable and long time energy.
It's curious to know that all the carbohydrates that nutritionist recommended us to eat have got a very high glycemic index. Here is a list of the most common high glycemic index carbohydrates:
- Bread and pasta
- Cornflakes
- Rice buscuits
- Biscuits
- Honey
- Glucose
- Bananas and tropical fruits
Here's a list of some kinds of low glicemic carbohydrates:
- Fruit except apricots
- Legumes
- Corn and spelt
- Dried fruit
That last kind of carbohydrates are strongly recommended.
The last macronutrient are fats. Fats are very important for bodybuilders as they're the precursories of important androgen hormons. One of them is called testosterone. Testosterone is a very anabolic hormon,and a diet particularly poor in fats can suppress the production of it.The principal kinds of fats are:
- Trygliceridies
- Fosfolipides
The first ones represents the 95 % of the total existing fats and they are composed by a molecule of glicerol + 3 molecules of fatty acids.
The fatty acids can be unsaturated or saturated. The unsaturated ones are monoinsaturated and polinsaturated. They are a very healthy kind of fats.Monoinsaturated fats can be found in some variety of dried fruit like peanuts and in olive oil,particularly rich of oleic acid.
Polinsaturated fats can be found in the fish and in some variety of oils. Two important kinds of that fats are OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 which prevent us from coronary heart deseases. OMEGA -3 can be found in salmon and mackerel, while OMEGA-6 can be found in the linseed oil. Nutritionists tell that our diet is too rich of OMEGA-6 and poor of OMEGA-3. Infact this two kinds of fats must be in perfect balance between them. Some variety of oils contain OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 in various balances:
- Linseed oil 17% omega-6 52%omega-3
- Olive oil 8% omega-6 1% omega-3
- Soy oil 54% omega-6 7% omega-3
- Maize oil 61% omega-6 1% omega-3
- Sunflower oil 78%omega-6 0% omega-3
Then there are saturated fats. They are the so called animal fats because they're found in milk,eggs,meats,cheeses etc...
Animal fats are a very unhealthy kind of fats because they raise the level of the cholesterol in the blood. High levels of colesterol put us in risk of mortal heart diseases.
Anyway I advise to eat a little source of that fats too,because they have got anabolics effects in raising the level of testosterone and they are the precursory of cholesterol. Cholesterol infact is very important too because it's the principal costituent of cell membranes. In a few words cholesterol must not be high but neither so low too.